Friday, January 30, 2015



It seems like Rob is with the perfect woman. She’s great in bed, a phenomenal singer, And We learned that his family absolutely adores her! 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

3 Black Adoptees on Racial Identity After Growing Up in White Homes

They share their thoughts about the new film Black or White and their own struggles with racial identity.


Does love know no color?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

CONGRATS! Viola Davis Wins SAG Award For Female Actor In A Drama Series!

The SAG Award for FEMALE ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES goes to...Viola Davis!  And she's also a winner in the acceptance speech department.  Check out her powerful words inside...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

3 Reasons to get a Cute Shape UP!! This Year

Kinky Hair doesn't have to be boxy

This post is so necessary WHY? Because Trimming is one thing, but getting an over all shape up is a whole different alley. I have seen some pictures on Instagram and on Pinterest that are so inspirational that I know my next trim will not just be one to get rid of damaged ends, but it will be in an effort to giving my hair a bit of style and shape. Don't be Sacred:)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

TOP 10 Black Natural Hair MYTHS.

Despite the Natural Hair Movement (NHM) making substantial waves in hair care, styling, and fashion, there still seems to be some misconceptions about natural hair and what is means.

Myths can be detrimental to a movement and since we want this to stay as positive, I’m sharing some well-known myths that need to be put to rest.

1. Natural hair is hard to maintain
The truth is it takes knowledge and relentless efforts to go natural. Many women who are going natural have been relaxed for years. Many forget that they didn’t miraculously know how to take care of relaxed hair while others feel being natural will take no practice or effort. There is a learning process and it is not harder to maintain than relaxed hair once you have established a routine.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

What Are Korkscrew Kurls?

The name? KorkscrewKurls' meaning textured hairs that form a shape similar to a corkscrew. Textured hair has special care and styling needs based on its unique kurl patterns. According to hair stylist Andre Walker's definition of hair types , and built upon and hair professionals, o
ur Texture Typing℠ system ( Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4) details the wonderful varieties of wavy, curly and coily hair. Korkscrew Kurls put together friendly charts to help our curlies identify their hair type at a glance.

 We've also given you quick care and styling tips as well as product recommendations to help keep your waves, curls and coils looking their best everyday.