Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Selling of "Good Hair"

These photos all over the media of so called natural "good hair" are getting frustrating...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Cantu Leave-in Repair Cream is the kind of product that you stumble across and immediately wonder why you’ve been hiding under a rock for a century. It’s a pretty terrific fingerstyling cream that actually has some great hold. Here are three tips to using the product.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

3 reasons Why You Should Pay More Attention to the Ends

Our Ends are so old!!

The Ends of your hair are very important to pay attention to.
And can also be the reason why some naturals are suffering from retention.
The ends of your hair is the oldest and weakest part of the hair shaft. Therefore in Afro-textured curly hair, it’s normally the driest part because the natural oils (sebum) produced from the scalp have a hard time reaching the ends, due to all the kinks and bends from the curls.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Coconut Oil Bleaching Method

Coconut oil is an all natural beauty miracle for beauty and health.
Applied topically or ingested, there are literally dozens of different benefits coconut oil provides. I have been sleeping with coconut oil in my hair as a pre poo treatment twice a week for over two years now and it has left my hair soft, shiny and more manageable.