Sunday, February 22, 2015


Are you in love with just being a lazy natural lifestyle? I want your natural hair journey to be as easy and effortless as possible. So, come in close.  I’m going to share the biggest mistakes I made as a wee lazy natural...its ok this is a safe place :).
Know Your Koils
It took three long years of struggling followed by just three months of guided instruction for me to discover the best approach for my wild tendrils. I look back and grimace at the time I wasted trying to style my hair with limited understanding of curls and coils. As a result of wearing my hair snatched back every day, the coils at my crown were choppy and broken. As soon as I began learning about detangling, moisturizing, and protective styling, my curls started thriving. These days, it’s easier than ever to learn about proper textured hair care and maintenance.  Use resources like NaturallyCurly and Tribe Called Curl for information on styling techniques and products. Don’t be afraid to experiment. And whatever you do, don't attempt to comb your curls dry.
Stop This Now!
Ever spot a naturalista with super long curls from far away, but ragged, broken strands up close? Yep, that use to be me. Going years without a trim led to split ends, tangles, and frustration. Like many, I was so fixated on length that the health of my hair wasn’t even a thought. Thankfully, I’ve seen the error of my ways and I now get regular (micro) trims every three or four months, depending on the condition of my curls. Since then, my hair has never looked better. For the record, I’m a big believer in letting a qualified stylist do the honors, which brings me to my final point.
Ask for Help!
Twelve years of doing my hair alone left me with long, but unremarkable curls and coils. My hair didn’t have any shape and my ends were ragged and split. Then, I stepped into a natural hair salon. In addition to luxuriating in the experience of having someone else do the work, I also got a cut that literally turned heads. There is a great deal of mistrust in the natural hair community when it comes to stylists, and while some of it is understandable, beauticians who specialize in texture have the ability to make good hair great. As a lazy natural, I’ve mastered one or two signature looks, but when I want a special, sophisticated hairstyle, I go to a trusted expert. A trusted stylist in your area can easily be identified by a thorough online search, and of course a personal reference is always a plus. Looking for a stylist who specializes in styling curly and coily hair in the TDOT?
Check out this spot that I would go to when I'm in neeeed!

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