Wednesday, May 20, 2015

4 Reasons to not give up on transitioning...

by Tammy Goodson of CurlyChics

How many times have you heard “I want my hair to look like yours” only to get the side eye when you explain to them that you are relaxer free? Their face completely deflates and they are immediately defeated. As if it’s the world’s best kept secret. So many women think they simply can’t do it or they think the only way to go natural is to do the big chop. “I don’t want to cut all my hair off”. You don’t have to cut it all off, you tell them. You can transition. Easier said than done, I know. I was a two time transitioner and the first time after 8 months I was done. It was too much for me and I simply wasn’t ready. Round two was equally as rough, however, I stuck it out that time. So it got me to thinking, what kept me in the game? What was different this time? Why didn’t I give up? Once the process has begun, these are the things I kept in mind.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

"I'm Independent, I'm strong" Misconceptions of Independent Women.

I am independent; I am strong; and I am on my way to being free.
Independence is not a choice made based on circumstances; it is a f*cking awesome personality trait.
Independence is a trait that, regardless of who or what may enter your life, will allow you to remain true to your values and achieve all of your dreams.

Monday, May 11, 2015


Do Hair Styles & Colors have an age limit? 

Red, yellow, blue, pink, orange, green, purple. I could be naming the colors in a rainbow or I could be describing someone’s hair. Vibrant and funky hair colors have become increasingly popular in the natural hair community. With cool innovations such as hair chalks and colored clip-ins, women no longer have to fear color damage. We can rock multiple hues at the same time without sacrificing our beautiful tresses. Though versatility of style and color are great, some say certain colors and styles should come with an age cap. I absolutely disagree.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Power of the Natural Hair Movement on DATING!

via Korkscrew Kurls Blog and Mizzstace

I've been natural for over 13 years now from Locs to Coily Curls and received many comments about my natural hair, both positive and negative. From both males and females. For some reason, the latter tend to weigh heavier than the former. Around the time that I started my transitioning process from perm to curls I met someone who became my love interest during my senior year of high school. My best friend always was rocking her curly hair and as he looked at her then looked at me , he was touching my hair. “I really hope that your hair turns out like hers,” he said. " oh how I love curly hair." But I felt I was in struggle with my transitioning process and didn't know how to come out of it so I just nod and smiled.
Read On!>>>