Saturday, February 25, 2017


Establishing a routine is something that takes time, trial and error and patience. It’s probably one of the most personalized portion of your entire journey- finding exactly what works for your hair and what doesn’t.

But what many women don’t realize is that what works for your hair during one season may not work for the next. Changing your wash regimen for each season is important to ensure that your hair maintains its health and retains as much moisture as possible. So here’s what you need to know about changing your routine per season:

Monday, February 20, 2017

I Had Shedding & Breakage Until I Made These 3 Changes

Last year, I was observing some changes with my hair. I noticed the amount of shed hair was more than normal when I would detangle. At that moment, I ignored the shedding and thought it was related to the cold weather we were experiencing during the winter months. As time passed, I noticed that I would see shorter hairs with no bulb at the end and I had no idea why I was experiencing breakage. I was faithful to the LOC method to seal in the moisture that my curls needed. I get my hair professionally trimmed four times a year. I took so much pride in my hair care, so I was shocked that I was experiencing this.

Whenever I experience some changes in my hair, I always monitor how I am currently taking care of my hair. I write down if I have changed any products, styling practices, or even hair tools. I keep a hair journal so I can go back to see if these patterns have been repeated and if so, what I need to do for them to stop. After some evaluation, I came to the conclusion of the following. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

8 Reasons Why Your Twist Out Sucks!

by Ariane of

You would think a twist out style would be simple: just add some product, twist your hair, and set overnight right? Well often times for many of us, it just isn’t as easy as it seems. Here are the reasons why your twist out failed and turned out all wrong:

Friday, February 10, 2017

Why Does My Natural Hair Always Look So Dry?

by Sabrina Perkins of

When it comes to maintaining moisture in your hair, sheen is one of the main characteristics you are told to look out for but what if your hair doesn’t have “sheen?” The reason being is straight hair reflects light, while highly textured hair with its curls and and bends actually refracts light, giving it a dull appearance.

There is a difference between our hair's natural less-than-sheeny look and being dry. Yes, it is possible for your hair to be lacking luster, but it doesn’t always mean that the hair is dry or lacking moisture. There are many reasons as to why some natural hair seems to look more dry than others, but here are 3 main reasons why your natural hair is lacking luster:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Why Your Natural hair is Breaking...?

Damaged tresses, brittle hair, split ends, and dry strands are all discouraging aspects of coily, wavy, and curly hair. Combating dry hair and breakage is about being knowledgeable and patient. It is about listening to your hair and keeping a willingness to give your hair what it needs. That is not always easy if you are so used to one way of caring for your tresses, but now you are ready to give it a shot, right? Good! So, let’s begin.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

10 Holy Grail Natural Products Under $10

IG @_journeytowaistlength

by Jascmeen Bush of

A common misconception is that Naturals spend a lot of money on products. Some of us do, there’s no denying that, but on the flip side we have plenty of amazing and affordable options. Take notes newbies, stock up on these cheap grails before going for a splurge.