Thursday, March 23, 2017

7 Steps to longer hair in one year!

[written by Kiara B.]

Have you been looking at others’ growth and wondering what are they doing? “Why won’t my hair grow that fast in a year?” Well, it’s simple. Hair growth, regardless of the person takes time but there are also things that you can do over a 12-month period so that you too can see amazing growth.

1. Moisturize
Believe it or not, moisture comes from water. Yes, the free liquid substance that is available right in your home. Try spraying your hair with water at least two times a week or right before you style your hair. Then apply a leave-in conditioner. There is no such thing as “sealing” in moisture. It doesn’t have to be sealed but the leave- in conditioner will help to also hydrate the hair follicle, which will contribute to the softness. If you have dryer hair or scalp, try applying hair grease to your scalp right after your wash regimen is complete.

2. Stay Away from HEAT
I’m sure you hear all the time that heat is a natural girl’s worst enemy besides a relaxer of course but heat also damages your hair, makes it dry and brittle, and alters your curl pattern. This causes you to over trim your hair, later resulting in a lack of growth. Try to not use heat frequently if possible. When blow drying you hair, use the cool setting and while flat ironing, place the temperature on the lowest setting for you to achieve your desired look.

3. Trim When NEEDED
Trimming your hair can either help with hair growth or stop growth all together. As a new Natural, it is easy to start a routine of trimming your hair regularly along with your established regiment but if you are not constantly damaging your hair then WHAT are you trimming? You are trimming your perfectly healthy hair. Only trim your hair as needed not on a time schedule. Often times if your hair is shedding, it is time for a trim. If you have visibly split ends or heat damage then it also time for a trim. Do not hold on to split ends or heat damage in order to maintain length. You will regret it in the long run.

4. Condition
Conditioning your hair is very important when wanting to maintain moisturized and soft hair. Regularly conditioning you hair, leave-ins, and deep conditioning treatments all help to provide your hair with the needed protein and nutrients. These nutrients contribute to hair elasticity that will help to prevent hair breakage by allowing your hair to stretch when pulled or combed. Here is one of my favorite deep conditioning recipes: You Will Need: • 1 Egg: Helps to moisturize and contains protein • 1 tablespoon of Honey: Adds shine and moisture • 1/2 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Traps in moisture and softens hair • 1 table of Cinnamon: Prevents dry scalp, promotes hair growth, smells delicious • 1/2 teaspoon of Nutmeg: Adds volume and promotes hair growth • 3 drops of Tea Tree Oil: Treats dry scalp, dandruff, and hair loss • 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar: Removes buildup and adds shine • Mix ingredients and heat for 10 to 15 seconds. Apply to hair from scalp to ends and let sit for 30 minutes to an hour. Wash out with cold water and style as usual. You can adjust ingredients to fit hair length or substitute oils.

5. Eat Healthy
I don’t think I have to spend much time on this one. What you put into your body is exactly the results you will receive. 

6. Protective Styles
Often times as a newly natural, the hair is over manipulated from wanting to try new styles or products. Find a protective style that works for you and then stick with that style for a while. If your hair is tucked or pulled too much over a period of time, you will begin to see more breakage and shedding as a result. Protective styles promote growth because they are true to the name “protective” by shielding your hair from over manipulation and the harsh weather.

7. Patience
This last step is pretty simple. Have patience on your hair journey. Don’t get so caught up in achieving a certain length by a certain time. Instead focus on HEALTHY hair and the rest will come Naturally.

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